As famous as bullfighting is, there are other attractions in Spain that could give it a run for its money. You may have heard people gush about how great a place Spain is but nothing can compare to experiencing it yourself, which is why we’re listing out exotic, unique and interesting places for you to see when you choose Spain as a vacation spot.
· Santiago de Compostela
There is a rich and fascinating history underlying the Santiago de Compostela. It’s the capital city of the Galicia region but more than that, it’s the last stop of the Camino de Santiago, a traditional pilgrimage performed by Christians.
One reason the city is significant is because of the belief that St. James, an Apostle of Jesus Christ, was buried there. Because of this, the city sees thousands of visitors, either for religious reasons or because of a thirst to know more about the colorful history of Spain.
There is never a dull moment in Santiago de Compostela because of the sheer number of both locals and foreigners walking it. The scene is always such an amazing and bustling one.
And with important landmarks like the Santiago Cathedral, which is where the tomb of St. James is, there is always something for you to gawk at right around the corner. Make sure your camera is always charged and ready.
· Toledo
No one can deny Spain has had a long history saturated by different cultures and religions. Toledo is a perfect example of this social and cultural mosaic. It’s a structure erected on a mountaintop in central Spain.
Toledo has been inhabited by peoples of different religions, most notably Christianity, Islam and Judaism. For centuries, practitioners of these faiths have made Toledo a home and base, giving the city the nickname, ‘City of Cultures.’
In modern day, vacationers go there for Toledo’s rich history, art and even the ancient architecture, since it dates back to the Roman Empire.
If you’ll take our word for it, you can make the most of your trip to Toledo by immersing yourself in the history and archaic look and feel of the medieval streets and classic architecture. Within this very city, you can find a mosque, cathedral and synagogue; remnants of those days of yore when three religions made a home in it.
By now, it should be obvious that Spain is a country with a long history of religious influences, but that’s not even the half of it. There’s a lot more for you to see and do.
Want to know more about Spain? Why not give us a call. Roux Luxury Travel in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, will happily give you advice on visiting Spain as well as book your entire Spain vacation so that all you feel is awe.
Topics: bucket list, travel destinations, Cities
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