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Roux Luxury Travel Blog


7 Safety Tips for Your Future Trip

vacation, holiday April 2, 2020

Traveling can be fun, exciting and eye-opening. It is sad that due to the coronavirus pandemic, travels have been put on hold. Do not let yourself feel too down though. This is a great opportunity for you to research and make plans concerning places that you would love to see when we find a solution to this pandemic.

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3 Ways to Improve Your Mental Health During A Pandemic

vacation, holiday March 31, 2020

Lots of people in the US have had to stay inside for the past few weeks and will continue to do so for some more weeks to come. The social distancing that is necessary for this pandemic to slow down has meant that most people are stuck at home with only very essential trips to get groceries being done.

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7 Tips for Your First Time Visit to Nashville

vacation, holiday March 19, 2020

People want to travel and have great fun, but they can’t; Coronavirus is making sure of that. So, does that mean all your travel plans will go down the drain? No, keep making plans because 8 weeks from now, the whole endemic will hopefully be over and you can go back to traveling the world!

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4 Top Attractions to Visit in Colorado

vacation, holiday March 17, 2020






No one wants to hear talk of Coronavirus anymore because it only breeds more fear. While it's a good idea to heed safety precautions and ways to keep clean, it's also not a reason to stop doing the things you love; like traveling.

So don't cancel any travel plan you've made. Yes, you have to postpone your trip, but you don't have to cancel it altogether. Coronavirus will pass and leave you to live your life the way you want. For now, just chill for the next 8 weeks. Take your mind off the virus with the Colorado attractions below.

If you’re looking for a year-round destination that is stunning with diversity that ranges from the Rocky Mountains to hills, rivers, and streams, then Colorado is the place for you. Roux Luxury Travel in Baton Rouge, Louisiana can help you plan your trip to Colorado but before you go, here’s a list of some of the best places to visit when you are in Colorado.

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6 Important Travel Tips When Visiting Arizona

vacation, holiday March 12, 2020

Arizona is a state that you should visit if you are looking for an unforgettable luxurious adventure. Its massive landscape carved out by the Colorado River is still a pretty picture today and is every traveler’s dream destination. With Roux Luxury Travel in Baton Rouge, Louisiana you can turn this dream into a reality. But before you go, here are some tips that could come in handy.

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