Roux Luxury Travel from Baton Rouge, Louisiana, is back again with your daily dose of exciting travel information for your next trip. We're a full-service travel agency and today, we bring to you Hungary. Here is a list of five amazing things to do in Hungary to help you plan your itinerary.
• Visit the Buda CastleIs it possible to mention Hungary without mentioning the beautiful City of Lights? Budapest is the capital of Hungary and is often compared to Paris in France and Prague in the Czech Republic, one of the many reasons being because of its magical scenery. Buda Castle enchants you once you see it, with its majestic and grand architecture mixed with the magic of the surrounding environment, Buda Castle has more than 200 rooms and was built on the ruins of a palace way back in the 19th century. Its 61-meter high dome allows you to view the beautiful mountain scenery and lush green valleys.
• Sight-see the Danube River
You absolutely cannot visit Hungary without feeding your eyes with the beauty of the Danube River. The Danube Bridge provides one of the most breath-taking views of the sunset and it will leave you in awe. A cruise along the Danube is certainly a satisfying way to enjoy your vacation in Hungary whether it is done under the stars in the dark, peaceful night or during the day. It’s time to pack your bags and enjoy a wonderful time with your family or loved or even alone when you need that escape from reality!
• Visit the Caves of Aggtelek Karst
Even though Budapest is one of the magical cities in the World, it is not the only city worth visiting in Hungary. The only natural site mentioned among the 8 UNESCO World Heritage Sites, this impressive cave includes some of Europe’s largest stalactites. It also has rich mineral content forming beautiful patterned rocks. This cave can be enjoyed by nature lovers and enthusiasts.
• Explore around the Mosque of Pasha Qasim, Pècs
Erected in the 16th century, this building has been standing since the time of the Ottoman Empire. It is one of the finest examples of Turkish architecture and was used as a mosque. It was later converted to a Church in 1766. Certain inscriptions of the Qur’an can still be seen in some parts of the building walls. It is important to know however that visitors are not allowed to visit during religious ceremonies.
Hungary has everything you need for a fun, enlightening and unforgettable journey. So for your luxurious trip to this country, contact Roux Luxury Travel in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
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Roux Luxury Travel is an independent affiliate of Largay Travel, Member of Virtuoso.