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Roux Luxury Travel Blog


Oceania vs. Seabourn? A Side by Side Comparison

oceania vs seabournI recently worked with a client who was comparing itineraries and inclusions on two cruise lines - Seabourn and Oceania. We compared two similar sailings in the Mediterranean during September of 2015 to try to determine which is the better value: The Seabourn Soujourn September 19th sailing from Monte Carlo to Rome and the Oceania Marina September 14th sailing from Barcelona to Rome.

Comparing these two cruise lines can be like trying to compare apples to oranges. Seabourn is a luxury cruise line with smaller ships and an all-inclusive experience and Oceania is an upper-premium cruise brand. Both cruise lines offer a quality experience, and my client wanted to explore the differences in price and inclusions to make his decision.

Both cruise lines offer superior dining options. Seabourn's dining program is directed by Thomas Keller and Oceania's dining program is directed by Jacques Pepin, both culinary stars.

The resulting chart shows the calculations for my Oceania vs. Seabourn comparison:


Seabourn Soujourn –Sept 19th, Monte Carlo to Rome Oceania Marina – Sept. 14th, Barcelona to Rome

Number of Nights



Alcohol Package


$599.5 per person for Premium


Not Included

Not Included

Specialty Dining

Included, no additional charge

Included, no additional charge except for wine pairing dinners and private dinners

Business Class Air from Toronto

$3,910.77 per person

$3,698 per person (Economy air is included in cruise fare)


Not included

Not included



Included with Your World on Sale Promotion


$399.95 for an unlimited internet package

Free unlimited internet included with Your World on Sale Promotion

Onboard Credit Offer


$300 Onboard Credit included with Your World on Sale Promotion

Cruise Fare For a Balcony Stateroom

$19,708.72 in a V5

$12,198 in a B4

Total with Premium Drink Package, Unlimited Internet and Business Class Air Upgrade


$20,793.00 + Free internet + $300 Onboard Credit

Bottom line: Cost per night for per person

$1,270 per night

$1,025 per night

Ultimately, my client's decision won't just rest on the dollars involved, but the type of experience he is looking for on this vacation. As his luxury travel advisor, I will not only advise him as to the costs, but also try to make sure he ends up with the kind of experience he is looking for. Would you like this kind of service when shopping for your next luxury cruise or vacation?  

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Topics: Seabourn, Luxury Cruises, Oceania

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