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Wine and Travel Blog

How Far In Advance Should You Book a River Cruise?

[fa icon="calendar'] Oct 14, 2014 9:00:00 AM / by Myrna Arroyo posted in River Cruises, European Wine Cruises, Tips

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So you've decided to go on a river cruise. Great choice! It's a perfect way to explore larger areas in Europe while still being able to enjoy each stop, intimately getting to know its culture, people and wine.

But next come the logistics. Where should I go? What should I see? Who should I take? How far in advance should you book? While there are many possible and great answers to the first three, let us give you our take on how far in advance you should book a river cruise.

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A Wine Lover's Guide to River Cruises

[fa icon="calendar'] Oct 19, 2013 7:35:00 AM / by Myrna Arroyo posted in River Cruises, European Wine Cruises

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Imagine a journey where you cruise past castles and vineyards, stop in quaint towns along the way, visit vineyards and wineries to taste the local wines, and then return to your comfortable stateroom for a good night's sleep while your luxurious ship takes you to the next stop. People love river cruising because there's no packing and unpacking in every town you visit, no checking in and out of hotels, and your every need taken care of from the minute you board. If you are curious about going on a river cruise, here are some factors to consider:
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Visiting Bordeaux - Tips for Wine Lovers

[fa icon="calendar'] Jul 21, 2013 9:44:00 AM / by Myrna Arroyo posted in France, River Cruises, Bordeaux

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