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Wine and Travel Blog

How to Choose An Around the World Cruise

[fa icon="calendar'] Nov 20, 2014 9:00:00 AM / by Myrna Arroyo posted in Cunard, World Voyages

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Ferdinand Magellan is one of the most famous names in World History for a reason: he was the first to circumnavigate the globe in the 16th century, though he did not see the end of it - passing away a year before his officer Juan Sebastián Elcano completed the quest. 

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How Do You Pick a World Cruise?

[fa icon="calendar'] Sep 4, 2014 9:00:00 AM / by Myrna Arroyo posted in Cunard, World Voyages

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Have you ever wanted to go around the world by ship? Around-the-world cruising has become popular, and cruise lines are meeting demand by adding circumnavigations to their sailings. If you want to go on a world cruise, there are lots of choices for you. But how do you pick a world cruise? Here are some questions to consider as you make a decision.

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