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Wine and Travel Blog

The Roux Wine Tours Guide to Champagne, France

[fa icon="calendar'] May 5, 2015 9:17:13 PM / by Myrna Arroyo posted in Champagne

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I recently returned from a whirlwind travel agent FAM trip to Champagne, France, where officials from the Champagne tourism offices in the area wined, dined and toured us through their beautiful region.

If you are planning a trip there, here are my top picks for a great stay, which you can use as your personal guide to Champagne, France.

A few days in Champagne can be a great addition to a river cruise vacation starting in Paris, since it is so easily accessible. But, if you really love Champagne, plan on staying at least 4-5 days so you can see the variation among the sub-appellations of Champagne and have time to explore the smaller villages.

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Sipping Champagne in the Trees - An Evening At PerchingBar

[fa icon="calendar'] Apr 21, 2015 5:40:49 PM / by Myrna Arroyo posted in Champagne

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One of the highlights of my recent trip to Champagne, France was an evening champagne tasting at PerchingBar. PerchingBar is a tree house champagne bar located in the Montagne de Reims. We were hosted by the owner, Jean-Charles Florquin and were treated to a tasting of champagne from Champagne Pehu Simonet. The Pehu Simonet champagnes are made with Pinot Noir grapes from Grand Cru vineyards on the Montagne de Reims. 

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