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Wine and Travel Blog

European Travel Tips for Wine Lovers

[fa icon="calendar'] Dec 23, 2014 8:30:00 AM / by Myrna Arroyo posted in Wine

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Wine lovers all over the globe consider Europe their primary destination for their ultimate tasting experience. Each country has its own wine regions, with unique characteristics. Every day brings new vineyards and varietals. 

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An Italian Wine Tasting Dictionary

[fa icon="calendar'] Dec 9, 2014 8:30:00 AM / by Myrna Arroyo posted in Wine, Italy

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So you've decided to go on an Italian vacation. And as a wine aficionado, of course you're excited to taste the many delicious vintages grown from Tuscany to Veneto! The most authentic wine tastings in Italy are organized and guided by natives, so allow us to help you prepare by sharing some Italian wine terminology you may hear or see on a wine label. Check out our Italian Wine Tasting Dictionary.

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Discovering the Wines of Portugal

[fa icon="calendar'] Oct 21, 2014 9:00:00 AM / by Myrna Arroyo posted in Wine, Portugal

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To any wine lover, Portugal is a paradise. The banks of the Duoro River offer some of the most beautiful and lush vineyards in the content, and the wide variety of grapes and wines make visiting the country a must for anyone appreciating a good vintage. What makes Portugal such an important country for wine? Let's examine.

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Taking the Mystery out of Food and Wine Pairings - Ten Tips to Try at Home!

[fa icon="calendar'] Jul 28, 2013 9:24:00 AM / by Myrna Arroyo posted in Wine, food, Tips

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The Correct (and Safe) Way to Open a Bottle of Champagne

[fa icon="calendar'] Jul 25, 2013 9:34:00 AM / by Myrna Arroyo posted in Wine

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