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Roux Luxury Travel Blog


3 Travel Tips to Make Your Stay in Brazil Even Better

Wine Travel Ideas, Adventure Travel, wine destinations, vacation, vacation planning August 16, 2019

Brazil is a very large place. It has a landmass that quite frankly makes it somewhat intimidating; conversely, all that space means endless places for you to explore when Roux Luxury Travels books your next vacation there.

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3 Wonderful Things to do in Tarija, Bolivia

Wine Travel Ideas, wine destinations, travel agency in baton rouge louisiana August 14, 2019

It’s ok if you’ve never heard of a place called ‘Tarija’ because it is one of the lesser-known cities in Bolivia, South America. The city’s moderate popularity is quite surprising though, considering the fact it’s easily one of the best places in the world for wine lovers.

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3 Places to Visit when in Barossa Valley, Australia

Wine Travel Ideas, travel destinations, wine destinations, travel agency in baton rouge louisiana, australia July 18, 2019

True, wine isn’t as synonymous with Australia as the kangaroo is, but believe me when I tell you Australia is no stranger to fine wine.

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Things to Do & Places to See in Piedmont, Italy

Bucket List Trips, Winery Visits, Wine Travel Ideas, Reviews, Italy, bucket list July 17, 2019

Piedmont might be a little-known place to you but its one of three prominent wine regions in Italy. As a full-service travel agency in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, Roux Luxury Travel doesn’t want you to miss out on seeing what Piedmont has to offer. Here’s a hint of what to expect: Barbaresco and Barolo are regarded as two of the world’s finest wines, and guess what? Piedmont produces both of them...

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How to Give the Gift of Travel

Wine Travel Ideas, Tips November 25, 2016

How's your holiday shopping going? By now, most people are well into their hunt for the perfect gift or they have even completed their holiday shopping. If you’re still looking for something to give that special person in your life, why not consider the gift of travel? 

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