When touring any country most tourists will go and visit during the country’s peak season, for most countries this is the summer time. The weather ranges from warm to hot, there are a lot of people in a wide range of ages around since school is out for the most part. Europe especially can get busy during these months, with river cruises and family vacations and people going about their daily lives, it is sometimes stressful and difficult to navigate around. Not to mention the expense of traveling during the summertime is gruesome. It is because of this we wondered “Is traveling during the tourism off season better?" If you are debating touring Europe in the fall or are trying to figure out when to go, here are some great benefits and tips to help guide you.
Benefits of Traveling in the Fall
- There are Less Crowds.
This is perhaps the greatest benefit of going to Europe during the off season of fall. For the most part, tourist will take this season off, children are in school, there is more space to move around and explore. You practically have Europe to yourself, which seems to be a fantastic thing with little to no wait time in places where it would normally be packed like the Adriatic beaches, Leonardo da Vinci’s house and more. - Culinary Events
Between lush vineyards and fresh foods anyone can experience delectable dishes all year long in Europe. However, if you go during harvest season you will experience the freshest fruits and vegetables as you view picturesque landscapes of leaves falling and the autumn breeze rushing by. There are many local food events you can go to during the harvest season, making you appear to be more of a local then tourist. - Living like a local
Speaking of appearing like a local, this is another benefit of traveling during the fall, you get to experience the culture on a much more personal level. There are many tours that are offered in the tourism off season that give you this incredible view point. - It is Less Expensive
Many of the rates for flights and tours will be less expensive during the off season as tourism companies are trying to keep business up and running. Take advantage of this, and remember that sometimes booking early is the best way to get great deals.
Tips for Traveling in the fall
As always it is important to research where you are going, brush up on the current events of the area and be sure you are aware of where the US embassy is if anything should go wrong. Afterwards, you may begin your fun.
- Local Events
This is impotent especially if you would like to learn more about the culture of a specific region or country. Find out if they are holding music festivals or winter solstice parades or even sneak peak at a new museum exhibit. - Learn (at least part of) the Language
This is more of a general rule of thumb, learning at least a little bit of the local language can go a long way and it is quite easy to do. Programs like Duo-Lingo are great places to start but if you wish to be a lifelong traveler, the best recommendation we could give is getting a personal tutor or a program like Rosetta-Stone. - Be Aware of the Weather
There is nothing worse than packing winter clothes then getting to a place and realizing it is really hot instead. Be sure to bring a variety of clothes that may be suitable for any activities you will be up to. Remember, that if you want to act like a local, you probably should not dress like a tourist. Above all, it is important to bring clothes that are comfortable, especially if you are walking a lot.
Are you hooked on the idea of traveling to Europe this fall? We are working on some fantastic trips for the Harvest season. For more information on trip to Croatia and Slovenia, click the button below.