There have been three major attacks this month, from France, to Yemen, to Nigeria within the month of January. With so many recent threats in just this month, many people have been have been questioning if it is safe to travel abroad, particularly to Europe. Here is some valuable information to assist in deciding if you should take a European vacation.
Terrorist Attacks in Europe this January
Paris, France
Charlie Hebdo, a satirical magazine, is known for publishing cartoons that satirizes most religions including the pope and the Prophet Muhammad as well as several world leaders. January 7th, two gunmen in Paris stormed the office of Charlie Hebdo, killing 12 people and injuring 5 others. Among those killed were 2 police officers, the paper’s top editor Stephane Charbonnier, and several cartoonists. Al-Qaeda in Yemen claims responsibility of the attack on CharlieHebdo, militant groups stated thatAyman al-Zawahri ordered the attack as a retaliation for the caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad.Throughout this month, there have been more discoveries as to who the gunman were, the saving of innocent lives and protests to get the government to take actions. On January 11th, over 40 heads of state and approximately 1.5 million people of all races and creeds marched in Paris to show their unity; calling to end violent extremism, support freedom of expression, and morn the victims of these terrorist attacks.
What Threats Mean for Traveling
There is still debating going on whether or not it is safe to travel in Europe, particularly in France, while protests are still going out throughout this country. Some European counterterrorism officials expressed that ISIS leadership has told Iraq and Syria to launch retaliations in Europe for airstrikes which pose and even greater threat.
In the U.S., The State Department stated how European governments have taken action in guarding their countries against terrorist attacks, some making declarations regarding these threat conditions. They state that travelers should remain vigilant when exploring Europe and to report and suspicious characters during your stay to the local police department.
How to Stay Safe When Traveling
There are a few ways to stay safe while traveling, whether because of threats and attacks like these or in general. There is a fine line between heeding too little and too much caution.
1) Research: It is always important to research the country before you go, this includes everything from the weather to what is going on politically. A great resource for researching the political climate of a country is the State Department’s website. Simply enter the country you are going to and if there is anything going on they will inform you.
2) Have Travel Insurance: If in the event anything is stolen or lost, having travel insurances helps your claim go smoother.
3) Take STEPS: The Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) is a State Department program designed to help inform travelers of emergencies, natural disasters, or civil unrest. With STEP you can easily keep in contact with the U.S. embassy if in the something occurs.