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Wine and Travel Blog

Tips for Wine Tasting in Tuscany

[fa icon="calendar'] Dec 25, 2014 8:30:00 AM / by Myrna Arroyo

Wine tasting in tuscanyWho doesn't love the taste of wine while admiring a beautiful landscape and being educated about its history? Tuscany has it all: great food, delicious wines, wonderful restaurants, and beautiful views.

The History

Viticulture in Tuscany dates back all the way to the 8th Century BC, when Etruscans settled in the area and began exporting wine to other parts of Italy. By the 3rd Century BC, the quality of Tuscan wine had become known even in Greece, where ancient documents show writers raving about the vintages.

Of course, the Roman Empire and its lust for wine ensured the fame of the region's liquid for the next few hundred years. But even during the middle ages, monasteries took up the scepter and continued production of Tuscan wine, which became famous in Florence and throughout Europe.

The Wines

Tuscany has had almost 3,000 years to refine and perfect its vineyards and vintages. Not surprisingly, it is home to some of the world's most famous red wines, which make up 80% of the Tuscany's wine production. Most famous are the Chianti, Brunello di Montalcino and Vino Nobile di Montepulciano, all originating from the Sangiovese grape.

But those full-bodied red wines aren't all Tuscany has to offer. If you visit Italy, you will likely have cantuccini (almond biscuits) along with some Vin Santo, Italy's famous dessert wine produced from dried white grapes.

Our Tips

If you're like us, Tuscany's rich wine history and plethora of vintage choices is enough to convince you to go on a wine tour of the region. But where do you start?  Fortunately, Tuscany's pride of its vineyards and vintages gives you a variety of options. There are many tour companies offering English-speaking tours led by sommeliers and wine makers. To choose the best options for you, talk to an experienced travel agent. Here are our tips for wine tasting in Tuscany:

  • If you don't join an organized wine tour, hire a driver to take you around Tuscany. This will make your wine tasting adventure safer and more fun.

  • Always call ahead to the wineries for tasting. This will ensure that someone will be available to show you around.
  • Don't miss opportunities to sample local restaurants. Ask around for recommendations. Most will require reservations, particularly if you are with a large group.

  • Try everything! Leave your preconceived notions of wines you like and dislike at home. 

Roux Wine tours plans group trips to Tuscany every other year. Our next departure will be in 2016. If you are interested in talking with us about a trip, request a complimentary consultation to get started.

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Topics: Wine Travel Ideas, Italy, Tuscany

Myrna Arroyo

Written by Myrna Arroyo

Myrna has traveled extensively and is passionate about travel, food and wine. She is a Certified Wine Professional, a Certified Sommelier, and French Wine Scholar. Myrna loves to create authentic travel experiences all over the world.

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